Aug 11, 2023
'Hey friends! Hear all about the exciting news to come! S U B S C R I B E. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9QdRLOdQ7qFXGrW-iGwmAA New Videos Every Sunday! F O L L O W. Website | http://kyraunfltd.com Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/Greatkemistry/ Brand Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/kyraunfltd/ Facebook | @Kyraunfltd Tiktok | https://www.tiktok.com/@greatkemistry - Today\'s video is all about being a fashion designer, clothing line, building a clothing brand, experienced fashion designer - K E M I S I M S Hi! I\'m Kemi Sims and I\'m a full-time Fashion Designer & Stylist. I have a custom clothier business called KYRA UNFLTD. I specialize in custom-made evening gowns, bridal, and prom dresses. Whether designing or styling, I enjoy creating fashionable looks that people feel confident in! This channel, takes you through my journey of being an entrepreneur in the fashion industry, while sharing my passions and hobbies… to inspire you to discover your purpose! #dailyvlog #fashiondesigner #fashionvlog'
Tags: fashion designer , clothing brand
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