'How I Became a Fashion Historian'

30:06 Oct 24, 2023
'I\'m often asked how I ended up in this field, when I discovered my interests, and how others can find their own path through such a novel career option. Fashion history is relatively new in the academic world and has only been recognized in the last couple of decades as a valid field of study. The historical costuming community has played a huge role in developing the knowledge and interest. When I began to do research as a teenager, it was in a library- in books and microfiche. Blogs and websites chronicling the journeys others were making through their projects appeared a few years after I graduated from college. The world of historical sewing is dramatically changed since I began to take interest, but the experiences, difficulties, and successes are still very much the same.  My path has taken me through technical theatre, costume shops, trade shops at Colonial Williamsburg, running my own business, historical workshops, and more. It\'s not where I would ever have planned on ending up, but the journey has been worthwhile! So let\'s talk about different ways to pick up skills, why it\'s important to reach out and socialize, and how to not get caught up waiting for your dream job.  Sins Against Our Soles (Thesis): https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/textilesdiss/12/  True Colours Flag Project: https://www.amrevmuseum.org/true-colours-flag-project  Other Makers Kim Boice: https://www.facebook.com/MrsBoicesHistorieAcademie?ref=hl Kirsten Hammerstrom: https://www.instagram.com/kittycalash/ Kaitlin Healy: https://www.instagram.com/sassykaitlin/ Ruth Hodges Nastassia Parker: https://www.instagram.com/tiger.lilys.threads/ Gabriela Salvador: https://www.instagram.com/pour_la_victoire/ Jana Violante: https://www.instagram.com/janaviolante/ Hannah Wallace: https://www.instagram.com/loomwovenrugs/ The Betsy Ross House: https://www.instagram.com/thebetsyrosshouse/  Burnley & Trowbridge Workshops: https://burnleyandtrowbridge.com/pages/workshops-sew-alongs  Ball State University Dept of Theatre and Dance: https://www.bsu.edu/academics/collegesanddepartments/theatredance  University of Nebraska-Lincoln TMFD: https://cehs.unl.edu/tmfd/  Socials Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/silk_and_buckram/ Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@cloche_call Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/nicolerudolph   

Tags: vintage fashion , fashion history , sewing for beginners , how to learn about fashion history , Costume History , shoemaking , victorian fashion , historical fashion , historical dress , 18th century fashion , nicole rudolph , historical costumes , history of clothing , historical costume making , fashion history youtubers , historical sewing for beginners , colonial williamsburg

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