'The Top 10 - Topic Thunder! Fashion Faux Pas'

'The Top 10 - Topic Thunder! Fashion Faux Pas'
30:25 Oct 5
'It\'s another week of Topic Thunder on The Top 10, hosted by John Rocha and Matt Knost. This show is brought to you by our incredible patrons over at https://www.patreon.com/thetop10. They send in questions/topics and we answer them. It\'s that simple. If you\'re a patron then make sure to get your questions in and the email address is listed on the site for you to join the show today!   We never know what the topics or questions will be until we open our patrons emails so this show is entirely off the cuff. We are given incredible subjects, ideas, and topics each week. Once again, if you\'d like to participate in the show then head over to patreon and become a member today! Now on to the show.  #TheTop10 #TopicThunder  Remember to LIKE the video and SHARE it on your social media. Also, leave a COMMENT and SUBSCRIBE to the channel BELOW.    Follow on twitter: John Rocha: https://www.twitter.com/therochasays Matt Knost: https:/www.twitter.com/mattknost The Top 10: https://www.twitter.com/top10show  YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/thetop10podcast Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thetop10podcast Facebook: https://bit.ly/39m9Nbf  Patreon: https://bit.ly/39sNb9b  Merch: https://bit.ly/2WQBDtO' 

Tags: top 10 , funny , cinema , movies , films , Top Ten , q&a , Q & A , patreon , The Top 10 , John Rocha , the top ten , matt knost , topic thunder

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