'60\'s Mods -The Cool Generation'

02:43 Oct 15, 2021
'Whether you were on the beach, fighting Rockers, out with your mates, on your scooters, you had to look \'\'cool\'\' it was a Mod thing, like the Rockers they had their own perception of \'\'cool\'\'. Charlie Glasgow Mods 2013' 

Tags: razor , R&B , soul , Generation , lulu , scooter , mods , elvis presley , motown , Vespa , the who , quadrophenia , rock'n'roll , gangsta , Rockers , lambretta , Scooter Rally , mods and rockers , 60's mods , paul weller , readysteadygo , cathymagowan , keithfordyce , billyfury , 80'smodrevival , thepolice , acecafe , r'n'b , marthareeves , manfredmann , helenshapiro , paulnewman , gymkhanas , themodgeneration , adam faith , cliff richard

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