'Fat Guys In Little Clothes'

03:12 Oct 21, 2021
'Hi! We are Josh and Pearson. We are two really fat guys, who happen to be cousins, on a journey to be two really healthy guys. We also have some people trying to do it with us!  Thank you for all the love and support! Please SUBSCRIBE and HIT the BELL.' 

Tags: Weight loss , how to lose weight , how to burn fat , fat to fit , obesity , How do I lose weight , How to lose weight and keep it off , weight loss journey , how to gain weight , lifestyle change , how lose weight , how get I get rid of fat , what its like to be fat , is obesity an epidemic , is obesity genetic , how long does it take to lose weight , how long does it take to get thin , fat to thin , why are people fat , how do you get fat

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