'My coverage of the Steampunk Fashion Show at Anime North, 2010. This is the \"Axis Powers Hetalia\" inspired half of the fashion show, hosted by Liana K. and inspired by the Hetalia: Axis Powers series of webcomics/manga/anime. CAST -------- ENGLISH CANADA -- Liana K; designed and created by Queen of Hearts Costumes FRENCH CANADA -- Jody Rodier; designed and created by himself AMERICA -- Adam Smith; designed and created by Stone in the Stone Crafts ENGLAND -- Yvonne Penney; designed by Liana K, costume supplied by Queen of Hearts Costumes, Hat supplied by Amanda Irwin FRANCE -- Brandy Dawley -- concept and wardrobe by Liana K SPAIN -- J.M. Frey -- concept by Liana K, fascinator by J. M. Frey PRUSSIA -- Dr. Holocaust - http://www.doctorholocaust.com -- Wardrobe by himself. Additional pieces provided by Fan Creations PORTUGAL -- Jim Felker -- Robes provided by Queen of Hearts Costumes, Gasmask provided by Fan Creations, corset provided by Jim Felker NORTHERN ITALY -- Lloyd Penney -- concept and wardrobe by himself RUSSIA -- Alexandra Dysinski -- designed and created by herself for Queen of Hearts Costumes CHINA -- Otaku Minette -- Top provided by Queen of Hearts Costumes. Costume by Otaku Minette and Hypersapiens JAPAN -- Derwin Mak -- Concept: Liana K, Japanese Schoolboy uniform provided by Derwin Mak, monogoggle by Sword in the Stone Creations, inspired by the character Ishiro from Shrine of the Siren Stone DENMARK -- Tom Savage --- Jacket and vest supplied by Queen of Hearts Costumes; antique blowtorch courtesy of Sword in the Stone Crafts; hat provided by Fan Creations THE NETHERLANDS -- Gillian Owen -- costume by Trashy Lingerie; weapons by Sword in the Stone Crafts and Liana K BELGIUM -- Andrew McGarry -- Concept by Liana K, hand appliances by Karianne Gottschalk; metal breastplate provided by Fan Creations OTTOMAN EMPIRE -- David Ross -- Concept by Liana K, trousers supplied by Queen of Hearts Costumes AFRICA -- Priscilla Dixon -- Concept by Liana K, Hat and goggles provided by Sword in the Stone Creations CREW --------- -- Leslie Sarah May (Hair and Makeup) -- KE Burns (Makeup) -- Rachel Mirsky (backstage) -- Kathryn Shura (accessories) -- Amanda Irwin (hats) -- Amanda Hyde (cuffs and collars) MUSIC --------- \"Airship Pirates\" - Abney Park \"Rip The System\" - K.F.M.D.M. \"The Wrong Side\" - Abney Park - FOLLOW ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA YouTube - http://www.youtube.com/danvideoninja Twitter - http://www.twitter.com/danvideoninja Twitch - http://www.twitch.tv/danvideoninja'
Tags: cosplay , steampunk , anime north , Hetalia Fashion , Liana K
See also: