'Even More Fashion Souls III'

03:44 Dec 11, 2021
'Aaaaaaooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo --------------------------------- Northern Scout - Millwood Knight Helm - Follower Armor - Slave Knight Gauntlets - Nameless Knight Leggings  - Thrall Axe  - Caduceus Round Shield  Traveling Performer (preferably female ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) - Brigand Hood - None  - Karla\'s Gloves - Ordained Trousers  - Follower Torch  - Scimitar  Royal Guard - Pharis\'s Hat - Vilhelm\'s Armor - Leather Gauntlets - Shadow Leggings  - Follower Sabre  Tormentor - Helm of Thorns - Slave Knight Armor - Morne\'s Gauntlets - Lothric Knight Leggings  - Rose of Ariandel  - Pierce Shield  Pleasure Embassador - Exile Mask - None - Worker Gloves - Slave Knight Leggings  - Sticky White Stuff ----------------------------------------- Music:  Blue Stahli - Dirty Down Silent Hill- Homecoming - Dead on Time The Legend of Zelda- Windwaker - Outset Island' 

Tags: fashion , halloween , armor , dlc , episode 3 , dark souls , dark souls 3 , dark souls III , fashion souls , armor combinations , part 3 , Ashes of Arandiel , Even more fashion souls

See also:
