'DragonCon 2010 Steampunk Fashion Show'

08:02 Dec 25, 2021
'Audio and Video by: Suzanne and Matthew Hale  of Western Kentucky University\'s Graduate Program in Folk Studies and Anthropology   These interview clips and video segments are the raw footage of an ongoing documentary. This content is unedited (excepting portions where the camera gets all wobbly and whatnot). Feel free to email us any comments, questions, concerns, or suggestions for our documentary. The documentary we are working on at the moment will focus on the culture, aesthetics, and body rhetoric of DragonCon. That is, we are looking at Steampunk, Cosplay, Horror, Star Wars, Star Trek, Pirates, Anime, Comic Characters, Super Heroes, Super Villains, Video Characters, costuming, performance, parades, display, creativity, and so much more.  ________________________________________________ Verbal consent was acquired from each participant, though this portion of each video clip was removed for our youtube.com content.' 

Tags: fashion , style , clothing , runway , fashion show , designers , steam , punk

See also:
