'A trailer by Alisha Hasan. The show will feature clothing inspired by Miltons Paradise Lost, designed and made by emerging and established local designers, and students from Cambridge University and Anglia Ruskin University. This will be the second showing of the work, the first being a specially commissioned presentation at the exclusive Trinity May Ball. Hair and make up will be provided by top-end technicians and the show will feature specially commissioned films and photographs taken during the lead up to the event. Lost in Paradise runs over two performances the first will be specifically for Press / Buyers and VIPs, and the second will be open to the public, raising funds for the Teenage Cancer Trust and East Anglias Childrens Hospices. The night will be rounded off by a glamorous after show party at the Cambridge Union. This event will be the highlight of Cambridges fashion calendar and will be the launch to future fashion events across the city.'
Tags: fashion , Show , in , Lost , alisha , cambridge , paradise , garde , avant , hasan
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