Mar 19, 2022
'France is the fashion capital of the world, and is a country steeped in fashion, romance and enigma. During the Carnival, TIENS presented an artistic fashion fest to an enthusiastic crowd of consumers from France and around the world, unveiling the RichyOne line of trendy bags, scarves, handkerchiefs, swimwear, belts, cufflinks and other products, a match-up between Eastern Culture and the French Styles of Romance which reinforces the unique personality of RichyOne that “This Is Me, Beauty Naturally Created”. The awards to the “Fashion Stars” of TIENS, including “TIENS 20th Anniversary Fashion Personality”, “Mr.Trendy-TIENS”, “Ms.Trendy-TIENS”, “Most Fashionable In Nice”, “Most Fashionable with RichyOne”, etc. created a fashion storm.'
Tags: this is me , RichyOne , Beauty Naturally Created , Mr.Trendy-TIENS , Ms.Trendy-TIENS
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