'Warframe: Nidus Infested Frame'

15:39 May 1, 2022
'The newest warframe to be added to the game Nidus! I explain his abilities in this video and find out how it actually works in missions. One thing i forgot to mention is that only the first ability gives you mutations stacks not the second ability.    -Connect with me- Status Updates: https://twitter.com/Subzeroex My Steam Group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/Wand... If your looking for a site that sells PC Games for more or LESS than Steam try here: https://www.g2a.com/r/pc_games New to warframe? Join clicking this link and you also get extra goodies!: https://warframe.com/signup?referrerI...' 

Tags: space , how to , guide , free , Gameplay , Ninja , game , disgusting , Gross , warframe , frame , nidus , help , Play , commentary , explain , playthrough , Class , use , ZOMBIE , explanation , Ability , infested , infestation , abilities , ninjas , infest

See also:
