'I answer your PSO2 Questions while doing art and demonstrating classes!'

03:04:41 Sep 29, 2022
'I\'ll be doing a bit of fashion/screenshotting art while answering chat questions! Last night if you\'ve seen on Twitter, I went over to the NieR Orchestra concert and got to hangout with Yoko Taro for a good 5-10 minutes and we talked a bit, so maybe I\'ll talk a bit about that one too haha  P.S. On the topic of SuFi vs SuPh, I can tell you that SuPh is more comfortable to play than SuFi due to it being less conditional, however I believe that SuFi still hosts higher damage overall if you can master its conditions  Support the Stream: http://streamlabs.com/azelyra  -------------------- Don\'t forget to join in my Discord server, come join our community and chill out together ~ https://discord.gg/KA5cvBE   If you\'re interested to follow me through all the things I do: Behind the Scenes, Screenshots, Arts, Video-Making process, etc... Follow me on my social medias, and check out my website at http://bit.ly/Azelyra!  https://www.facebook.com/Azelyra/ https://twitter.com/Azelyra https://twitch.tv/Azelyra   (C)SEGA 『PHANTASY STAR ONLINE 2』公式サイト http://pso2.jp/ https://pso2.com/' 
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