'Want to help us make videos? Support us on http://patreon.com/beatdownboogie MUSIC by HUMANWINE http://humanwine.org BUY THIS SONG @ http://humanwine.bandcamp.com/ and Hemmingbirds http://hemmingbirds.com http://facebook.com/hemmingbirds Steampunk World\'s Fair takes place in Piscataway, New Jersey - www.steampunkworldsfair.com! It was fun going to something a bit different and seeing Steam Powered Giraffe, HUMANWINE, and some other cool performances. Supported by our Patreon Patrons : Chris Lokyar Berman, PA Sauve and James Conason'
Tags: costumes , fantasy , cosplay , Avengers , mashup , convention , steampunk , con , carnival , fair , masquerade , steam powered giraffe , carnivale , steampunk world's fair , SPG , worlds steampunk fair , worlds fair , diesel punk , Steam Powered Giraffe (Musical Group) , humanwine , hemmingbirds
See also: